In British Columbia, indigenous group blocks pipeline development

I have heard little about the Unist’ot’en camp except from what a friend was telling me. What they are doing is beyond me. Occupying Oak Flat is different, though I have no expectations for them to be the same. Oak Flat should be implementing some of tactics used by the Unist’ot’en, however could be difficult because Oak Flat is a public campground. It would be up to the Apache people to proclaim the territory as there’s because the people never surrendered the land. If the Apache were to use traditional leadership would they have given away Oak Flat, since it was apart of the tribal nation at one point? I am looking forward to learning more about the Unist’ot’en, they seem hardcore and at a level indigenous people need to be at.

Warrior Publications

Gate at Unist'ot'en camp, photo: Al Jazeera. Gate at Unist’ot’en camp, photo: Al Jazeera.

August 20, 2015

HOUSTON, British Columbia — In a remote mountain pass connecting the Pacific Coast to the interior of British Columbia, a region brimming with wild berries and populated by grouse and grizzly bears, felled and painted trees have been laid across a logging road to form an enormous message. Directed at air traffic, it reads “No pipelines! No entry!” The warning marks off land where the government of Canada and a First Nations clan hold irreconcilable views of what should happen to a 435-square-mile area each claims as its own.

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